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Next-Gen Talent Platform

Thousands of people have joined our network. We invite you to join our tribe.

Join ClanX's Global Talent Network

ClanX connects accomplished software engineers, product managers, designers, and tech leaders from around the world with full-time and contract opportunities at vetted, rapidly growing startups globally.

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Redefine Your Career
Collaborate Globally,
Work Locally

Industry-leading talent

Just a Couple of Q's to Spice Things Up

Your Tale Matters! Answer Quick Questions to Drive Your Next Chapter

Years for experience required
Min 1 skillset required
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Tell us more about yourself, your experience and expertise

Last but Not the Least, Show Off Those Superpowers: Brag About Your Skills!

Let's hear about the awesomeness you bring to the table – no holding back!

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Thanks for requesting to join clanX.

We review each talent individually so it can take up to few weeks to hear back from us. No further action is required from you but you're free to modify or add to your profile while you wait.

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